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We bring you every opportunity to save on your purchase.
Johnson Brothers Appliances offers rebates directly from the manufacturers and from our national buying group. If you have any questions on our rebates, please call us at 541-382-6223 or email us.
It is the sole responsibility of the customer to obtain, complete and mail in the rebate form and all required documentation by the postmark date. Rebate information provided by this site does not constitute an offer of a rebate. Our rebate information may be inaccurate or incomplete. Please obtain a copy of the actual rebate form for complete details and any applicable limitations. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to give us a call.
JennAir Curate Rebate
Offer Expires: 1/1/2025 to 6/30/2025 | Must be postmarked by: 7/30/2025
Receive up to 15% off in instant savings with purchase of 2 or more qualifying JennAir Appliances. Rebate form must be postmarked by 7/30/2025.